Because of its strong starting torque, the electric brushed motor RS-555 is ideal for use in industrial automation and wiper systems, among other applications where larger loads need to be moved. DC motors are a great option for a geared motor solution because of their reliable driving power, which makes them perfect for sustaining a steady torque during an application. A brushed DC motor has several benefits, such as cheap startup costs, excellent dependability, and easy motor speed control. The brushed DC electric motor uses internal commutation, stationary magnets, and revolving electromagnets to produce torque directly from the DC current provided to the motor.
- Cylindrical shape
- 3mm diameter shaft and 2 pin connectors.
- Great for the rusty or damaged DC motor at the machine.
- Comes with a magnetic guard
- To run this motor, you would need a 12 Volt DC Power deliver.
- The Amperage rating on it have to be 1 Amp or above.
- Perfect for various DIY applications.